Barack Obama Will Never Be President

Monday, July 21, 2008

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii to Barack Obama, Sr. (born in Nyanza Province, Kenya) and Ann Dunham (born in Wichita, Kansas). Barack Hussein Obama (born August 4, 1961) is the junior United States Senator from Illinois and a member of the Democratic Party.

Obama grew up in culturally diverse surroundings. He spent most of his childhood in the majority-minority U.S. state of Hawaii and lived for four years in Indonesia. Obama delivered the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention while still an Illinois state legislator. Since announcing his candidacy in February 2007, Obama has emphasized ending the Iraq War and implementing universal health care as campaign themes.

As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, Obama co-sponsored the enactment of conventional weapons control and transparency legislation, and made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Obama's parents separated when he was two years old and later divorced. His father went to Harvard University to pursue Ph.D. studies, then returned to Kenya, where he died in an auto accident when the younger Obama was twenty-one years old.

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Monday, July 21, 2008

For 'Surge' Troops, Pride Mingles With Doubt
BAGHDAD -- This time last year, Capt. Wes Wilhite's men were getting ready to move into an abandoned house in western Baghdad wedged between cells of Sunni insurgents to the south and strongholds of Shiite militias to the north.
(By Ernesto Londoño, The Washington Post)

Obama Arrives in Baghdad to Discuss Iraq Strategy
(By Sudarsan Raghavan, The Washington Post)

Rough Start, Big Finish
Daniels, Buzbee Suffer Season-Ending Injuries
(By Jason La Canfora and Jason Reid, The Washington Post)

In Immigration Cases, Employers Feel the Pressure
But Critics Fault Laws as Ineffective
(By Spencer S. Hsu, The Washington Post)

Who Killed Chandra Levy? Chapter Eight
(By Sari Horwitz, Scott Higham and Sylvia Moreno,

More Today's Highlights

In Immigration Cases, Employers Feel the Pressure
A three-year-old enforcement campaign against employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants is increasingly resulting in arrests and criminal convictions, using evidence gathered by phone taps, undercover agents and prisoners who agree to serve as government witnesses.
(By Spencer S. Hsu, The Washington Post)

Detainee's Trial in Military System Begins Today
(By Jerry Markon, The Washington Post)

Obama, Karzai Share a 'Working Lunch'
On CBS, Senator Calls Afghanistan 'Central Front on Our Battle Against Terrorism'
(By Candace Rondeaux and Dan Balz, The Washington Post)

Obama, Karzai Share a 'Working Lunch'
On CBS, Senator Calls Afghanistan 'Central Front on Our Battle Against Terrorism'
(By Candace Rondeaux and Dan Balz, The Washington Post)

More Politics

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In Immigration Cases, Employers Feel the Pressure
A three-year-old enforcement campaign against employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants is increasingly resulting in arrests and criminal convictions, using evidence gathered by phone taps, undercover agents and prisoners who agree to serve as government witnesses.
(By Spencer S. Hsu, The Washington Post)

Obama, Karzai Share a 'Working Lunch'
On CBS, Senator Calls Afghanistan 'Central Front on Our Battle Against Terrorism'
(By Candace Rondeaux and Dan Balz, The Washington Post)

Detainee's Trial in Military System Begins Today
(By Jerry Markon, The Washington Post)

More Nation

A Fresh Face For the Olympics
BEIJING, July 20 -- Beijing, a city of 16 million that never seems to stop, slowed down Sunday and in some ways was unrecognizable.
(By Maureen Fan, The Washington Post)

The Warmth of a Family Dinner
(Andrea Bruce, The Washington Post)

Obama Arrives in Baghdad to Discuss Iraq Strategy
(By Sudarsan Raghavan, The Washington Post)

Millions Rally for Colombian Hostages
Protests Condemn Kidnappings By FARC Rebels
(By Juan Forero, The Washington Post)

Obama, Karzai Share a 'Working Lunch'
On CBS, Senator Calls Afghanistan 'Central Front on Our Battle Against Terrorism'
(By Candace Rondeaux and Dan Balz, The Washington Post)

More World

Shared Struggle Led Women to Political Action
Most Sundays for the past six years, about 25 live-in nannies and housekeepers from across the Washington area have gathered in Silver Spring to share stories of mandatory six-day workweeks, 14-hour days and salaries that amount to as little as $1 an hour.
(By Katherine Shaver, The Washington Post)

Young Drivers Getting A Lesson in Economics
Pinched at the Pump, Teens Cut Back on Social Outings and Alter Commutes
(By Donna St. George, The Washington Post)

D.C. Violence Leaves Many Searching for Answers
Shooting Death of 13-Year-Old Boy Punctuates Crime Surge in Trinidad
(By James Hohmann and N.C. Aizenman, The Washington Post)

Logs Show Activist Surveillance Continued Despite Lack of Criminal Findings
(By Lisa Rein, The Washington Post)

D.C. Backs Acting Head Of Child Services
Officials Rank Work Over Sex 'Mistake'
(By Ian Shapira, The Washington Post)

More Metro

Seeking a Cure, Patients Find a Dose of Conversation Online
Susan Rutherford needed to share her pain. The 43-year-old Philadelphia-area mother with rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic disease that causes severe swelling and pain in the joints, turned to the Web to seek out counsel. She posted a message describing her fear on a site specializing in her condition...
(By Zachary A. Goldfarb, The Washington Post)

Paulson Reassures on Banks, Warns of More Tough Times
(The Washington Post)

The Real MADMEN & WOMEN of Washington
Television's "Mad Men" returns for its second season Sunday. The Emmy-nominated drama is set at an early 1960s Madison Avenue advertising firm. We assembled real-life Washington-area ad executives, photographed them in period costume and asked them just how close the show is -- and was -- to reality.
(By Frank Ahrens --, The Washington Post)

In Immigration Cases, Employers Feel the Pressure
But Critics Fault Laws as Ineffective
(By Spencer S. Hsu, The Washington Post)

Shared Struggle Led Women to Political Action
Domestic Workers Spurred Montgomery Protections
(By Katherine Shaver, The Washington Post)

More Business

Liberal Bloggers Brace for Victory
AUSTIN, July 20 -- "Yep, the way it's looking, we might actually win this thing . . ."
(By Jose Antonio Vargas, The Washington Post)

Cybersecurity Will Take A Big Bite of the Budget
(By Walter Pincus, The Washington Post)

Seeking a Cure, Patients Find a Dose of Conversation Online
(By Zachary A. Goldfarb, The Washington Post)

Two Tech Towns, One Big Party -- but Who Knows How Much Talking
(By Zachary A. Goldfarb, The Washington Post)

More Technology

Dancing With Yet Another Star
Before anyone accuses the Redskins of having a quick-trigger in trading for Jason Taylor, realize that it was a move they absolutely had to make.
(By Mike Wise, The Washington Post)

Harrington Does a Double Take
Irishman Wins Second-Straight British Open
(By Leonard Shapiro, The Washington Post)

On a 15-Run, 17-Hit Day, Nats' Bats Have Their Say
Nationals 15, Braves 6
(By Chico Harlan, The Washington Post)

Rough Start, Big Finish
Daniels, Buzbee Suffer Season-Ending Injuries
(By Jason La Canfora and Jason Reid, The Washington Post)

Tour de France Lead Changes Hands
(The Washington Post)

More Sports

License, Registration And Weight, Please
Consider the driver's license. That unimpeachable document you show to enter government buildings, get on a plane or go anywhere sensitive in this post-9/11 world. It's the cornerstone of our security these days, used to weed out the dangerous terrorist from the benign traveler. The legal from the...
(By Brigid Schulte, The Washington Post)

The Reliable Source
(By Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts, The Washington Post)

Times Columnist Uncovers His Darkest Story
(By Howard Kurtz, The Washington Post)

Liberal Bloggers Brace for Victory
Obama's Prospects Pose New Concerns for Netroots
(By Jose Antonio Vargas, The Washington Post)

At This Gathering, Weather Buffs Are on Cloud Nine
(By Laura Yao, The Washington Post)

More Style

Talk About Travel
Post travel editors and writers field questions and comments. On the itinerary this week: Staying cool in Maine, Montana and Michigan; and weighing bags to see which airlines will charge you extra for your luggage.
(The Flight Crew,

Career Track Live
Advice for Working Professionals
(Mary Ellen Slayter,

Redskins Training Camp
(Jason La Canfora,

Critiquing the Press
(Howard Kurtz,

Joss Whedon Talks 'Dr. Horrible,' 'Dollhouse' and More
(Joss Whedon,

More Live Discussions

Faith-Based Obama
BARACK OBAMA gave a speech promoting faith-based initiatives recently that managed to upset both sides of the debate over whether and how to blend government funding and religious institutions. The strict separation of church and state types expressed dismay that Mr. Obama promised a continuation...
(The Washington Post)

The Farmland Fix
To lower food prices, the USDA should allow farming on some conservation land.
(The Washington Post)

Arrest That Juror
A District judge targets citizens who dodge their duty.
(The Washington Post)

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